here is everything you need to know.

 Are you fed up with being left slogging your heavy load across the links whilst your friends and colleagues race on ahead with ease? Then it might be time to buy an electric golf trolley.

You may have spent months or maybe even years refusing to give up on your trusty push trolley, and if that’s the case then you’re probably completely in the dark about why electric golf trolleys offer so much to the keen golfer. But luckily, our buyers’ guide is here to help.

If you’re quietly considering an electric golf trolley, here is everything you need to know.

What is an electric golf trolley?

Electric golf trolleys have been around since the 1980’s, but the nippy battery-fuelled trolleys you see on the green today are a far cry from those of the past. Operating on long-lasting, fast charging and ultra-light lithium batteries, and boasting a host of mod cons, modern electric golf trolleys are considered a must-have luxury for so many 


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